Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Cult of Pharoah Akhenaten and the Global Elite

The Cult of Pharoah Akhenaten and the Global Elite

Masonic orders and degrees

Council of Kadosh

19° [Grand] Pontiff

20° [Grand] Master of Symbolic Lodges

21° Noachite or Prussian Knight

22° Knight of the Royal Axe

23° Chief of the Tabernacle

24° Prince of the Tabernacle

25° Knight of the Brazen Serpent

26° Prince of Mercy

27° Knight Commander of the Temple

28° Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept

29° Grand Scottish Knight of St. Andrew

30° Knight Kadosh

Consistory of Sublime Princes

31° Inspector Inquisitor Commander

32° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret

Supreme Council

33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General


Pharaoh Akhenaten and his family adoring the Aten

Aten (or Aton) was the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology, and originally an aspect of Ra. He became the deity of the monotheistic — in fact, monistic — religion Atenism of Amenhotep IV, who took the name Akhenaten. The worship of Aten seemed to stop shortly after Akhenaten's death. In his poem "Hymn to Aten," Akhenaten praises Aten as the creator, and giver of life.


For more information, click on the URL below to listen to the audio "The Cult of Pharoah Akhenaten and the Global Elite P10":

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