Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Federal Reserve Abolition Act

Ron Paul introduced HR 2755: Federal Reserve Abolition Act. There were no co-sponsors, no further action was taken, and the legislation was referred to the House Committee on Financial Services and effectively pigeonholed and ignored.It’s a bold and needed measure to “abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve [...]


[Source: vote tags: Tracking the Vote

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Tuesday, December 31, 2008

The Good (As mentioned in an earlier post, the first carbon-neutral city is under contruction in the Gulf state of Abu Dhabi.):

read more


[Source: The Latest on Air America

Feds consider searches of terrorism blogs

Feds consider searches of terrorism blogs
The Homeland Security Department may soon start scouring the Internet to find blogs and message boards that terrorists use to plan attacks in the USA. Feds,Patriot Act,Terrorism,Peak Oil

The effort comes...


[Source: Ron Paul forum

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cheney 'Signed Off' on Waterboarding

Author's note: The statements Cheney made this week during an interview with the Washington Times about his role in approving the waterboarding of three Guantanamo detainees and the so-called "enhanced interrogation" of 33 prisoners was, disturbingly, not covered at all by the mainstream media.

Also published at my web magazine, The Public Record.

Vice President Dick Cheney, in another stunning admission during his campaign to burnish the Bush administration’s legacy, said he personally authorized the “enhanced interrogations” of 33 suspected terrorist detainees and approved the waterboarding of three so-called “high-value” prisoners.

“I signed off on it; others did, as well, too,” Cheney said about the waterboarding, a practice of simulated drowning done by strapping a person to a board, covering the face with a cloth and then pouring water over it, a torture technique dating back at least to the Spanish Inquisition. The victim feels as if he is drowning.

Cheney identified the three waterboarded detainees as al-Qaeda figures Abu Zubaydah, Khalid Sheik Mohammed and al Nashiri. “That's it, those three guys,” Cheney said in an interview with the right-wing Washington Times.

Other detainees at secret CIA prisons and at Guantanamo Bay were subjected to harsh treatment, including being stripped naked, forced into painful stress positions, placed in extremes of heat or cold and prevented from sleeping – actions that international human rights organizations, and previously the U.S. government, have denounced as torture and illegal abuse.

“I thought that it was absolutely the right thing to do,” Cheney said of what he called the “enhanced interrogation” of the detainees. “I thought the [administration’s] legal opinions that were rendered [endorsing the harsh treatment] were sound. I think the techniques were reasonable in terms of what they [the CIA interrogators] were asking to be able to do. And I think it produced the desired result.”

Cheney also took issue with the notion that waterboarding was torture.

“Was it torture? I don't believe it was torture,” Cheney said. “The CIA handled itself, I think, very appropriately. They came to us in the administration, talked to me, talked to others in the administration, about what they felt they needed to do in order to obtain the intelligence that we believe these people were in possession of.”

Other experts, including some military and intelligence interrogators, have disputed Cheney’s claims of success in extracting reliable information through waterboarding and other harsh techniques. Much of the confessed information turned out to be dubious or incorrect.

The First Case

Zubaydah was the first “war on terror” detainee to be subjected to the Bush administration’s waterboarding, according to Pentagon and Justice Department documents, news reports and several books written about the Bush administration’s interrogation methods.

However, according to author Ron Suskind who interviewed CIA and other insiders, Abu Zubaydah was not the "high-value detainee" that the Bush administration had claimed. Rather, Zubaydah was a minor player in the al-Qaeda organization, handling travel for associates and their families, Suskind wrote in his book The One Percent Doctrine.

Nevertheless, Suskind said President George W. Bush became obsessed with Zubaydah and the information he might have about pending terrorist plots against the United States.

"Bush was fixated on how to get Zubaydah to tell us the truth," Suskind wrote. Bush questioned one CIA briefer, "Do some of these harsh methods really work?"

Abu Zubaydah's captors soon discovered that their prisoner was mentally ill and knew nothing about terrorist operations or impending plots. That realization was "echoed at the top of CIA and was, of course, briefed to the President and Vice President," Suskind wrote.

But Bush did not want to "lose face" because he had stated Zubaydah’s importance publicly, according to Suskind.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Population Control Agenda - A Timeline

Going by what the people who are behind the existence of The Georgia Guide stones.  The Georgia Guide stones are telling us that there are 6.248.931.517 too many on our world.

6,748,931,517  minus     500,000,000  =  6.248.931.517

Anybody can tell me w...



Friday, December 19, 2008

Obama's War By Patrick J. Buchanan

Obama's War

By Patrick J. Buchanan

December 19, 2008 "Creators Syndicate" -- -- Just two months after the twin towers fell, the armies of the Northern Alliance marched into Kabul. The Tal...



Court sides with ACLU, strikes down Patriot Act gag provision

At the end of 2008, there are three consumer marketplaces that are experiencing record sales volumesfirearms, precious metals, and emergency storage food. Crisis preparedness is increasingly the theme for those seeking a refuge for their money and co...


[Source: Ron Paul forum

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Americas Dollar Denominated Toilet Paper

It Is So Stupid To Borrow US Dollar “Toilet Papers” For Trade Finance. There Can Be Only A Credit Crunch For Dollars If You Are Stupid Enough To Want To Be Paid And To Pay In Dollars.Otherwise, There Is Only An Illusion Of A Global Credit Crunch.This Is The Global Con Game By Bernanke, Paulson,.It [...]


[Source: War On You

What might really make you smarter

Tonight: After my rundown of the news of day... NYT columnist Nicolas Kristof, on why iodized salt makes you smarter (and how we could be Raising the World"s I.Q. ). Kristof is a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, the co-author of "China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power" and "Thunder from the East: Portrait of a Rising Asia."

And later, Eve Ensler, playwright of SThe Vagina Monologues and the founder of V-Day (the global movement to end violence against women and girls) on offenses against women and why she"s speaking up for women of the Congo.

Plus your excellent calls: 866 303 2270


[Source: The Latest on Air America

Bush Administration created executive pay loophole

The Bush Administration inserted an eleventh-hour provision into the $750 billion bailout bill to protect executive bonuses, a single sentence that will torpedo efforts to reduce bonuses even as companies slash tens of thousands of jobs and use taxpayer money to gobble up other companies at fire-sale prices.Pressured by constituents who worried that companies would [...]


[Source: Mint Dollar

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Illinois Governor Stands Up Against Bank of America, is Arrested on Corruption Charges

Kurt NimmoInfowarsDecember 8, 2008Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has been arrested on corruption charges the day after he announced he was asking all Illinois government agencies to suspend business with Bank of AmericaBlagojevichs arrest seems to be a strong signal that going up against the banksters will not be tolerated. Blagojevich contended that Bank Of America [...]


[Source: Mint Dollar

Bailout costs more than Marshall Plan, Louisiana Purchase, moonshot, S&L bailout, Korean War, New Deal, Iraq war, Vietnam war, and NASAs lifetime budget *combined*!

If we add in the Citi bailout, the total cost now exceeds $4.6165 trillion dollars.People have a hard time conceptualizing very large numbers, so lets give this some context. The current Credit Crisis bailout is now the largest outlay In American history.Crunching the inflation adjusted numbers, we find the bailout has cost more than all [...]


[Source: Loose Change 9/11 Blog & Home Page

We Are Change Colorado Exposes Denvers Terror Museum

Morgan Rose and Turtle from We Are Change Colorado The Center for Empowered Learning and Living or the CELL is the first museum dedicated specifically to the subject of terrorism. The CELL opened in downtown Denver on September 11, 2008. It encourages participants to shed their preconceived notions on the ideologies and [...]


[Source: Loose Change 9/11 Blog & Home Page

Feds Argue Return Law Makes Jews Flight Risk

Feds Argue Return Law Makes Jews Flight Risk

Sholom Rubashkin, former Agriprocessors CEO: De...



Friday, December 12, 2008

Madoff Charged in $50 Billion Fraud at Investment Advisory Firm

Investors in Bernard L. Madoff's giant $50 billion self-declared Ponzi scheme may have a lot more to lose than they think.

Those who redeemed all or part of their investments in Madoff's investment advisory business could be forced to return the money if it is found they had an inkling fraud was taking place. An investor can only keep money that was withdrawn if it was done in good faith.

"If the person requested the redemption and got it because they thought the fund was going under, it was not taken in good faith," says Stephen J. Nelson, a corporate attorney and partner at the Nelson Law Firm LLC.

"There will be some effort to claw money back from investors who redeemed at least in the last two or three years," he says. "The doctrine the plaintiffs will use to do that is fraudulent conveyance. But how the facts will shake out, no one knows."

Lawyers will be looking at who got money and who didn't to figure out if money that was transferred was done so fraudulently. "It appears that there were no profits, so investors might have gotten back money they weren't entitled to. It could have been someone else's money," says Nelson. "My guess is that this will end up in the bankruptcy court."